The Winter Solstice Sabbat has past, the wheel ever turns. A busy time after Samhain when we worked with others of our lineage at a Grand Sabbat, honouring our dearly departed dead. Until the rebirth of the Sun, born of the Great Goddess, out of the darkening days of winter. The Winter Solstice, a joyful celebration in the promise of life to come in the year ahead, as the light of the Sun revivifies the Earth. The house bedecked with Holly and Ivy, along with a profusion of tree lights and candles, a heady mix of scent and light. Again the evergreen signifying eternity and of rebirth. The Rites of the Sabbats reflect on and mirror nature, the Goddess and the God transcendental and at once immanent. They enthuse the mind, uplifting us in communal joy. We also see and feel their presence in the cold winter woods and the elemental biting winds of the season too.
This Winter Solstice was extra special for the Coven of the Sacred Path, with initiation Rites!
You know who you are! truly a credit to the Craft!!
Happy Winter Solstice and a Merry festive season!!