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The first Sabbat of the year! The first light to bring forth life, the seeming dormancy of the earth once again quickens as the Sun Gods rays enliven and reawaken the land. The Goddess purified, as ice melts, and swollen brooks run overflowing with rushing waters.

The Goddess revivified, we echo the new Suns light with candles, in sympathy with Helios, as he, once again rides higher. The promise of spring to come seems, at last, not so far away.

Our Goddess & God, the Gods honoured, our Rites now done. It always brings a sense of joyful satisfaction. Each Sabbat has its own special energy, this one so close to the new moon, brings a variance to the Ritual. Each of the Sabbats is an echo of the previous years Rites, but changed as we grow within the Craft.

The joy of working the Wheel of the Year is such a wonderful experience. The cameraderie & trust that develops friendship from initiatory Alexandrian Witchcraft that a Coven shares is truly a magickal thing!!

Looking forward to the Sabbats & Esbats & adventures the year ahead brings!!

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